Products on big screens: What does it take to make a banner ad grab attention?
90% of information sent to the brain is visual. It takes several encounters with an advertisement to make a potential buyer take notice of a particular product. Research shows that we decide to buy a product within 90 seconds of seeing it.

Colour me: Choose the right colours
The first thing to remember when creating an intriguing banner is to choose the right, striking colours.
Ideally, these colours should contrast with each other. In colour psychology, we can find correlations that will encourage potential customers to buy.
Looking at the food industry, the choice of yellow will be a huge advantage, as it will increase the level of our appetite.
Exclusive services, on the other hand, will perfectly find themselves in black, which we associate with high-quality products.
Red is the colour of promotions and challenges, so if you want to draw the recipient’s attention to an attractive price, it is worth using this colour.
Warm colours improve mood and have a stimulating effect, while cold colours help to focus and distance the space.

Details matter: What can’t be missing on a banner?
Apart from the colours, the emotional message is also very important, i.e. a well-chosen slogan. The slogan should be quite short and catchy. Such that our recipients can remember its meaning. It is also popular to use a dose of humour.
As many as 58% of respondents believe that the most effective advertising messages are those based on funny situational scenes or content.
Another very important thing is the placement of the logo on our banner. We need to get the logo encoded in the minds of our potential customers.

Get the point: A consistent and clear message
An aspect that is often forgotten by designers, yet so important.
A banner is only one part of our advertising campaign. Let’s pay attention to the coherence of all elements related to our marketing. The point is that they should fit together both in terms of graphics and content. A banner is, in a way, the identity of our company, so it must fit into the whole of our internal ideology.
So be sure to use the same fonts and colours as in other forms of advertising such as flyers, posters and business cards.
Don’t forget about lines! A special type of line used in the advertising message is the line used to write letters. The size and shape of the letters are most dependent on the reception situation. On boards, at a distance from the viewer, they need to be large and clear.

Remember that the average viewer spends about 2 seconds looking at an advert. Use this time!