3 methods: How to choose colours for websites?
It may seem that the selection of colours is quite obvious and simple. Most of us suggest our tastes in this matter, but does this method give a high level of effectiveness? Not really. According to research, the average internet user’s attention span is 15 seconds.
We, therefore, have a very limited amount of time to delight our target audience and make them stay longer.
As much as 90% of purchasing decisions are based solely on the perception of colours, which is why we have put this topic on a candlestick. Learn how to choose colours for your pages and enjoy an increase in visits to your site!
1. Blank background
The easiest method is to build a colour palette from scratch, for this, you can use programs such as:
– Adobe Color
– ColorSpace
– ColorDesigner
Each of these tools is based on the selection of one main colour, and algorithms select all others. We can suggest competitive websites or at this stage – our preferences.
It is worth mentioning the BrandColors website, where you can browse in a very easy way the dominant colours of the largest companies in the world.
Learn more about colours.
2. Photo
By selecting the “main” photo on your website, you can easily match the colours to it. Photographs are very much the foundation for the rest of the colours. As in the first case, many tools create a colour palette based on the photo:
– Canva
– Lunapic
– CssDrive
– ColorEays
3. Business objectives
If we want to approach the subject of colours in the most professional manner. Despite our preferences and the fact that at the time we checked our competitors’ websites – we want to be above that, it is worth taking an interest in the psychology of colours.
Each colour will send completely different information to users, subconsciously changing their perception of the page. Colour psychology is based on associations and emotions, completely unconscious:
– Red (energy, love)
– Yellow (optimism)
– Green (security, purity)
– Blue (security, health)